Our Adult Ministries
Redeemer Lutheran Church is a family!
We have a host of opportunities for you to connect with others who are in your stage of life. We have a number of Adult Sunday school classes that gather for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship each week here at Redeemer. We are confident you will be strengthened and encouraged through these ministries.
Sunday School
Redeemer offers a variety of adult Sunday School classes. The Family Forum meets in the front conference room in the office and discusses Biblical issues through media sources and everyday life. The Martha Summer Class meets in the back conference room and through much discussion and sharing offers a class centered on applying faith to life.
Bible Studies
Learning and laughter – that’s how you might describe the Pastor’s Bible study. This study lasts an hour and meets on Thursdays at 9:30am and is repeated at 7:00pm. We generally choose a book of the Bible and make our way through it. We laugh, share, think, are challenged, and grow together. This study usually takes the summer months off.
The SonRise Bible study meets on Tuesdays a 7:15am and typically goes until 8:00. This group studies the Psalm that will be used in the upcoming Sunday worship and is characterized by reflection, insight and sharing. One benefit often mentioned is how much more meaningful Sunday worship is after being part of the class. Coffee is provided.
At Redeemer, we like to eat. So there are opportunities throughout the year to gather and spend time together as God’s family. Every week between Sunday School and Worship, cookies and coffee are available. We have congregational meals and groups that enjoy being together frequently.
Lutheran Men in Mission
Redeemer's Lutheran Men's unit meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm. We share a meal together, and then have a speaker or Bible Study. This group typically hosts the Easter Breakfast and the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Redeemer has several circles of women which meet for study and service.
The Ruth Circle
The Naomi Circle
The Elizabeth Circle
From time to time, there are events involving everyone, such as the Lowman Home Luncheon or the Luncheon Social.
Leisure Timers
With all their trips and activities, "leisure" might not be the right word. This group of mostly retired folks enjoy their monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at noon. There's a meal, and an interesting program. In addition, there are trips all over the state to see new and interesting things and other activities.