Our Youth and Children's Ministries
"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."
- Matthew 19:14
Hey Everyone!
Welcome to Redeemer's Youth Page. We're so glad you're stopping by. Please take a look at opportunities we have for our children and youth here at Redeemer to participate in fellowship, service, and study.
We welcome ALL and would LOVE for you to join us. Friends are always welcome!
If you have any questions at all please feel free to email our Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Sarah Bowers (Contact Us).
You can also follow what's going on with the youth groups of Redeemer through Twitter (@Redeemer__Youth) and Instagram (RLC_Columbia).
Hope to see you soon!
Redeemer__Youth at a glance
Sunday School
Sunday School is offered every Sunday for ALL. For our 4th graders and above we offer a special Sunday School opportunity called Faith Alive. This is an intentional intergenerational Sunday School class. It is a place for families to come together to learn about God’s word. All in the congregation are welcome. We work in groups as family units, sometimes split up by age groups and sometimes mixed across all ages and families. Faith Alive is interactive and uses a variety of learning styles. It might be different from anything you’ve experienced and might seem awkward at first, but come try something new, let awkward turn into AWESOME!
Son's Rays
Son's Rays is for the high-school-aged youth of Redeemer, 9th through 12th graders.
We gather on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45. This is a great time during the week to step away from the hectic realities of school and extracurricular activities and have some time to refocus, laugh with friends, and grow in your faith. We'd love for you to join us at 6 for dinner beforehand.
We also gather on the weekends, usually on Sundays for fellowship and service. These meeting times vary so please keep a look out for the schedule and check Twitter and Instagram for updates!
Monarchs is our youth group for middle school aged youth here at Redeemer. We meet twice a month, usually on Sundays. These meeting times vary so please keep a look out for the schedule and check Twitter and Instagram for updates! We would love for you to join us!
Christ's Kids
Christ's Kids is for our third through fifth graders here at Redeemer. The Christ's Kids meet once or twice a month and these meetings will be on Sundays following worship. We would love for you to join us!
Sunshine Kids
Sunshine Kids is for the youth at Redeemer age 4 through second grade. The Sunshine Kids meet once a month and these gatherings will be on Sundays following worship. We would love for you to join us!
LCY (Lutheran Church Youth)
Our youth here at Redeemer are highly involved in the South Carolina Lutheran Church Youth (SC LCY) organization. We have had many youth throughout the years serve in leadership positions at the statewide level. LCY gives our youth the opportunity to meet other Lutheran youth from across the state. SC LCY has two service retreats for high schoolers, one in the fall and one in the spring. LCY also has three winter retreats for youth in grades 7th-12th and LCY Convention occurs every summer in June! For the 2015-2016 year, the theme is “Do. Love. Walk.” taken from Micah 6:8. We are excited for this theme this year and to see how the Holy Spirit moves through the youth of this church in unbelievable ways!
Mission Trips
Every summer our Son’s Rays go on a week long Mission Trip. Throughout the fall we gather ideas on what the youth are interested in as far as possible sites and environments to serve in. There is a lot of planning that goes into mission trips but we make an effort for there to be as much planning once we return. The greatest gift from a mission trip is not what you do while you’re gone, but what you do with what you’ve learned once you return home.