525 St. Andrews Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Rev. Gary Loadholdt is a graduate of Furman University and the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. He’s married to Nan, and their family consists of Michael (26), Jeremy (22) and two black labs, Boo and Angel. He’s been at Redeemer since 2002, after serving parishes in Prosperity and Garden City, both in South Carolina.
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Redeemer Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). Evangelical means that we believe in the good news of Jesus Christ for us and in journeying together in mutual love and support
Located in Columbia, South Carolina, we are conveniently near the intersections of I-26 and I-20. We are focused on reaching out to the St. Andrews and Irmo communities in mission and ministry.
Set apart by a well-done traditional liturgy on Sunday morning, we also offer exciting music and great sermons. Our Preschool has a great reputation and indicates our ministry to all ages.
Looking for a church home or just visiting our area? Come experience the warmth and all that Redeemer offers! Join us for worship and service, or contact us to speak to a member of our staff.
About The Pastor
Rev. Gary Loadholdt, Pastor
Rev. Gary Loadholdt is a graduate of Furman University and the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. He’s married to Nan, and their family consists of Michael (30) and wife Kristi, and Jeremy (26) and his wife Sara, and two black labs, Chance and Angel. He’s been at Redeemer since 2001, after serving parishes in Prosperity and Garden City, both in South Carolina.
Redeemer is an open, joyful congregation that seeks to respond to human needs in love and understanding. Our mission is to “make Christ known in word and deed.” In this way, we seek to experience and live out God’s grace together in our community and our world.
We believe Jesus is the Son of God who died for us and was raised from the dead to bring us everlasting life. This life begins now as we live in the light of God’s love today. These are the actions of a powerful and patient God who has boundless, unconditional love and forgiveness for all people of the world.
We are a church in the Lutheran tradition. Our faith tradition is based on a life-transforming story that is both ancient and timely. We believe that we cannot bring ourselves to God, but that God gives us the free gift of relationship. We call this grace. This grace is for you and for all people, which is why we welcome all comers to our community and to share in the sacraments and in our life and mission together.
We believe that the radical grace and love of God through Jesus Christ are too good to keep to ourselves. We proclaim this love to the world with our words, our lives, and through the many ministries of this congregation that reach out into the community.
We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Good News of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, human beings are reconciled to God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, sanctifies and keeps the whole Christian church on Earth, comforting and helping us in sorrow and trouble, enriching our joy, and leading us into mission and service.
We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God. Inspired by God’s Spirit speaking through the authors, they record and announce God’s revelation centering in Jesus Christ. The Bible is the inspired word of God and the authoritative source and norm of the church’s proclamation, faith and life.
We believe that all human beings are born in sin and cannot live the life God intends for us on our own. We believe that Grace justifies us through faith on account of Christ.
We understand that God comes to us through the means of Grace, the Word of God and the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. Through them, God helps us understand and receive the benefits of a relationship with Him. God graciously speaks to us through the Law – what we need to do, and through the Gospel – what he has done for us.